October 3 – 6, 2024
Thursday 5:30pm – Sunday 2:00pm

Caren Prentice
Yoga  Gena LaFrenier
Prana  Agnieszka Miskiewicz

Single Occupancy:  $1134
Double Occupancy:  $893  

Please note this retreat is only for Graduates of the HMTT and MITT Programs.

Alton L Collins Retreat Center
Directions to Alton Collins



My hope for this retreat is to nourish your heart, inspire your mind, and strengthen your awareness of who you really are.  My purpose for this retreat is two fold:

  1. Give you more insight, understanding, and practice, that will enrich and deepen your personal meditation practice.
  2. Share with you what my guru shared with me… how to experience and unfold your conscious connection to the source that is endlessly, continuously, nourishing and nurturing you.

Ultimately, this is what you bring to your world, your classes, your life. As we’ve learned, you can’t give what you don’t have. You can’t be what you aren’t. Who you are is the meditation teacher, not how much data your mind knows.

For you personally, this retreat is a chance to:

  • Get away and give yourself time to focus on you, your meditation practice, your connection to your Source.
  • Find refuge in the unique connection you have with your fellow HMTT and MITT graduates.
  • Gain new insights and skills you can bring to your personal practice and your life.
  • Receive an infusion of inspiration, enthusiasm, purpose, and meaning.
  • Get your personal questions asked and answered.

As teachers, this retreat is a unique opportunity to:

  • Learn about the literal, symbolic, and esoteric levels of meditation techniques.
  • Understand more about the experience, and role, of Prana in meditation.
  • Dive into the stages of Hong-Sau and explore how Ujjayi breath is an impediment and support to Hong-Sau.
  • Get clear on the unique skills and nuances needed to teach meditation. It’s not the same as teaching other skills or topics.
  • Bolster your confidence as a teacher by practicing teaching, story telling, and interpreting symbols.


First Time Ever! MMW Empowerment*

Over the weekend I will be revealing a new version of the
Mountain Meadow Waterfall Meditation.

This will be our official new version of the technique.


There are beautifully auspicious aspects over the weekend to learn our new MMW technique. Then, on Sunday, you will receive an empowerment that allows you to guide and lead this new version of MMW.

*An empowerment is an official recognition and transmission empowering you to lead a technique and carry the vibration of its rich lineage.


And here’s a taste of what else we’re weaving into the weekend:

  • Recognizing how basic techniques prepare the ground for advanced techniques.
  • Tips for how to engage conversation, promote discussion, and draw people out so you can create community.
  • How and when to use short, targeted, or full blown, versions of your favorite teaching stories.
  • How to give an object lesson.
  • When to show and when to tell.
  • How to discern if your students are with you.

Add to all this, the benefits of actually practicing these techniques with a group of fellow advanced meditators
who are interested in the same things you are—and as always there will be lots of powerful group meditation and mantra…. Oh my gosh, you will want to be here!

I believe with all my being that we are part of a movement to raise conscious awareness. It’s no accident that I am here, and no accident that you are here, right now, at this point in time, doing our best to live as meditators. Some of you are willing to teach meditation. All of you are sharing the wisdom, joy, and insight you have gained. As my guru said,

The world is hungry, but it knows not what it seeks.

But you know what it seeks.
You know because you know what your heart was longing for and you know what is feeding it now.

I hope you can join me.
So much love,


About Our Retreats

Escape to a beautiful secluded retreat center surrounded by giant firs and cedars. Leave the distractions of your daily life far, far away.  Settle into a few precious days unencumbered by your ‘everyday responsibilities’ and let someone else cook you incredible delicious meals, plan the activities, and give you space to nurture your soul. Discover the transformative power of retreat.

Space is limited. Reserve your spot now!
I hope you can join us!

Room rates listed below are per person and include three nights lodging with private bath, towels, linens, and nine incredibly delicious meals.*


Space is limited. Reserve your spot now!

Room Rates*

Single Occupancy $1134
Double Occupancy per person $893

Payment Plans
$399 at registration    July 25: $367.50    Aug 25: $367.50

$350 at registration  July 25: $271.50      Aug 25: $271.50

Contact  Char@meditationmomma.com with any questions.

*As you were probably expecting, prices at Alton Collins have increased, and we have had to adapt our pricing accordingly. We’ve kept our new price as low as possible to enable as many of you to attend as possible.

Coupons and Discount Codes are not available to use for Retreats.

Cancellation Policy

We know ‘stuff’ happens so here’s our cancellation policy.

  • Cancel before June 15, receive a full refund.
  • Cancel between June 16 and July 15, receive a 70% refund.
  • Cancel between July 15 and August 15, receive a 50% refund.
  • No refunds after August 15.

If we have to cancel for any reason, you will receive a full refund.


We do everything we can to keep the price of our retreats affordable. To this end we price retreats to reflect our direct costs without any additional cost for Caren’s time preparing and leading the teaching. At the close of the retreat you will have the opportunity to give Dana—a donation/love offering—directly to Caren for the teachings you received during the retreat. Learn more about Dana as a spiritual practice.



Location: Alton L Collins Retreat Center
