Meditation helps you break out of the mental and emotional habits that trap you in  dissatisfaction and discontent so you can discover the joy and contentment that is  already within you.  

You will learn how to meditate on the cushion in formal practice, but we put a lot of  emphasis on teachings that show you how to how to apply what you’re learning off the  cushion in your everyday life—which is where it really counts.  

The wonder of meditation is that there is a technique for everyone. The fun is in figuring  out what techniques work best for you and then using meditation to become kinder,  happier, and less judgmental so we can be of benefit to those around us.  



“Our approach to meditation is ... Try this. If it works, use it. If it doesn’t, don’t.”

Caren Prentice, Founder Meditation Momma

We also have live Beginning Meditation 6-week classes taught by experienced meditation teachers that are real people, living real lives - just like you. We offer this introductory class several times a year, so check back often to find a time that works for you. Online via Zoom