Archives: Courses
Pranayama Tutorials
Meditation Immersion & Teacher Training Course Page
My hope is that you will develop an intimate love affair with meditation and get to know the different techniques so intimately that they will become dear dear friends. And like […]
Beginning Meditation Course Page
Finding Your Ishta
Understanding Karma
R.A.I.N. October 22, 2023
Teaching R.A.I.N
How to Break Free, REALLY Change, and Make it Stick!
Here’s where you can find all the content for your course! Handouts are available for each lesson under the Materials tab. Video and downloadable audio is available under the Lessons […]
Meditations for Expecting Mommas
Just curious to see where this text shows up
Meditation Basics for Beginners
Establishing a Meditation Practice Program
7 Days to Settle Into Stillness
Letting Go of Attachment
The Buddha says that the source of all suffering boils down to two things: attachment and resistance. In this 7-part course, we will examine techniques used for centuries to release […]
Coping with Stress
Stress is how we react when we feel under pressure, overwhelmed, or unable to cope. Everyone experiences stress to some degree, yet so often anxiety and stress can feel like […]
Cleansing & Blessing Your Home
Mini-Series ~ 4 Parts
Settling the Mind
Mini-Series ~ 2 Parts
HMTT-3 October 16
Dreams 2.0
Video of each class of Dreams 2.0
Dreams Your Magic Mirror
Here’s the description for this class!